Writers Workshop No Cure for Procrastination

Yesterday I received an unsolicitied e-mail invitation to join a writer's group on Yahoo! Curious, I looked up Mike's Writers Workshop in the Yahoo! Groups database and discovered it's an award-winning group of more than 8,000 members who've posted an average of 1,600 messages per month this year. I admit I'm tempted by the organizer's promise of "friendship and camaraderie" (how friendly could 8,000 online buddies be?), but I know from experience that writing is by nature a lonely pursuit and rightly notorious for being prone to procrastination for activities like, say, blogging, which elevates procrastination to an art. Should I join Mike's Writers Workshop so I'll be able to procrastinate about my writing by reading 50 messages per day from other writers? Thanks, but I think I'll just write a blog about it instead.