'Don’t call us Millennials': sharers and connectors of the Millennial generation

By Marcie Geffner - New Home Source

Millennials are often lumped into one massive generational group. But they’re not all alike.

In fact, those born in the 1980s differ significantly from those born in the 1990s. Rather than “Millennials,” the older group might be better characterized as Sharers, the younger as Connectors.

John Burns, CEO of an eponymous real estate consulting company in Irvine, Calif., explained during a panel at the recent Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting in Los Angeles how Sharers’ and Connectors’ different economic experiences and demographics impact their desire to become homeowners.

Read more: https://www.newhomesource.com/guide/articles/differences-between-millennial-sharers-and-connectors